The testimony in the previous article is real. The Kristin tracts really work. I recently conducted a study. with my company that sends a lot of mail to consumers. Over the last 20 years we have sent millions of postcards to consumers asking for a response on various topics. Our positive and engaging response rate is about .5%. That means every time we send 200 pieces of mail we have a positive, engaged response from one person. That's why we send thousands of pieces at a time. Think on this. We send out boxes of tracts with 200 tracts inside. I believe that at least one person gets saved by handing out two hundred tracts. Anyone can easily give out two boxes of tracts each year by just carrying them along when running errands or in leisure. My true belief is that actually many more get saved, but it's easy to believe at least one in two hundred. What if we were able to find Christians who will just give out these tracts. For every Christian who will, we can reach two or three lost people per year. I hand out tracts for about an hour in high traffic pedestrian areas. I can hand out at least one hundred tracts in an hour. That means I could be reaching one lost soul for every two hours of tract distribution. Amazing. Get some more tracts. Hand them out. Let's get some more fish in the boat.
January 2023
Kim MagdaleinKristin's Dad |
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