We have come to a time when churches are fragmented, dispersed or dissolved. What's left is a ragtag smorgasbord of misguided church members who follow false doctrine. The potential devastation of the church as we know it is taking place at an accelerated rate. From the very beginning Paul warned of an impending disaster in the church body. It has arrived. Ignoring the fact that our Bible has been compromised by Christians themselves is foolish. Those who still adhere to it's teaching have become a very small remnant of those who call themselves "Christians". The English Bible of the reformation is buried on bookshelves among dozens of counterfeits. A sad commentary of the ability of Christians to discern the leading of the Holy Spirit. How many Christian homes even have a copy of God's word? They may have a few copies of books that have God's words in them, but not a complete Bible. There's no need to fight over what is the true Word of God. It's the one that has been abandoned. The results are evidence of the truth. Jesus gave us examples of the truth in real life. God warns us and waits. He's very patient. He foresees the future, warns of it and waits for the world to experience His truth in real terms. Abandon His book and there are consequences. We are now seeing world chaos. Restless selfishness that leads to anarchy. Churches that abandoned His book are now experiencing the results of a God allowed pestilence that has emptied the local church and pews. Unfortunately, those that have not forsaken His Word have been drawn into the same fate. Even Bible believing churches are not allowed gathering together for fear of a deadly disease. It's not too late for everyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see. Get yourself a real Bible. Get clarity on God's Word.
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The virus that has infected the world carries with it the hampering of the distribution of God's word. Witnessing has become more difficult and handing out tracts has been affected. People have always been shy about taking literature from a stranger. Now they have a legitimate reason to avoid human contact. Let's pray that this virus is defeated for the sake of being able to continue to hand out tracts unabated.
What a mess our world is in. Even though prosperity is reaching every corner of the globe, there is an ominous trend taking place. Christianity is fading. Our only hope is that the Lord will intervene. For the lost it may be too late very soon. Now as much as ever we must increase our resolve to reach the lost. The clock is ticking toward the day when the Lord will say "It's time". Pray with me about reaching more people before it's too late. Please consider at least giving out Kristin tracts. They have been very effective at breaking through those cold hearts toward our Savior.
We have recently had a surge in orders for Kristin Tracts. Apparently someone is talking about them. We are also receiving comments about the response from people who are offered tracts. Still very positive. Witnessing has become more difficult in our times. Probably because resistance was foretold by our Bible. We shouldn't give up. Souls to be saved are more plentiful than ever. In just our country more people don't know anything about our Savior and don't care. Let's care. Give out more tracts.
It's been over eight years since Kristin went home to her permanent residence. Since then two very close friends of hers joined her. Four years ago her good friend Michael died in an accident. He was only 21 years old. Five months ago Tommy, another friend also died at the tender age of 18. One of the questions that is often asked by many is, "Why?" It's a question I have never asked of the Lord. I was pondering whether I should ask that question in the hotel room next to the hospital where Kristin was in ICU the night after she was admitted. I decided not to ask. I was certain there would not be an answer. I was also certain that if I did get an answer, I wouldn't be satisfied with it and, therefore question God's judgement. I also felt that it was very presumptuous to question God about His decisions. After all He is God. I don't believe it's at all proper to ask God why He does things beyond what He has revealed to us in His Bible. He's a very good writer, and His book is complete. If He wishes to reveal anything to me, I just need to keep reading. He also tells me to be content in whatsoever state I am. That can be real tough. It has been at times.
Kristin's friends, Michael and Tommy have parents who are grieving their loss just like Carol and I, but we have hope because we have a savior. He not only saved us from our sins but also from Hell. They are all where they should be, not here. Why so soon? I don't know. But, it's OK, the clock is ticking and it won't be long until we join her. What a day that will be. Is it ever too late to reach a lost soul for Christ? Of course, when they die. But any time before that, the lost can be saved. My Dad prayed to receive Christ four hours before he died. Close call, but adequate. He was in an intensive care unit. Several organs had quit functioning meaning death was imminent. As I witnessed to him, even in his weak condition, he surrendered his will and pride to admit he was a sinner, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and confess Him as Savior. Don't ever give up on someone you care about. There's always a chance.
Do you have a friend who has lost a child? If so, I have a message for them. But, before I get into the details, I need to explain. Losing a child is a unique experience. It's been almost eight years since Kristin went home. My perspective has undergone a process of clarity. Trust me when I say that if you have not lost a child, you can't know what it does to a person. I'm not going into those details now, but please accept my word on it for the purpose of this article.
The Kristin tract was brought to us about a month after she died. We were not looking for anything like this at all. We were just going about getting through our days. When we were presented with the concept of the Kristin tract everything came together rather quickly. There were no real roadblocks to getting it done and offered. The tract has been a blessing to us in more ways than imaginable. Of course, it reaches people for Christ in a unique way. It has also been a wonderful way to make the loss of Kristin mean something. So, here's the purpose of the article. We would like to encourage others to do the same. Do something that makes the loss more tolerable. Something that matters. I don't think it matters what that could be. Let the Lord guide. Being open to ideas that God presents is the first step. Just being aware that God cares and will give something that He cares about that will also take some of the sting out of this catastrophic event. Please pray about getting a mourning parent in touch with us. We now have enough time behind us to be of benefit to others. Since we don't get an answer as to "why", we can respond to losing a child by going on the offense. Making it count is important to us and our Savior. We received this email the other day.
"I don’t usually write emails to strangers like this out of the blue but something is telling me I need to send this. Faith I think. I’m not an extremely religious person, I don’t go to church regularly (growing up I did but eventually me and my family just slowly stopped) but I believe in God and want a better relationship with him. Yesterday I had a strange sort of dream where something came to me and told me if I believed then just saying so wasn’t enough, I need to do better. I woke up with that eating at me cause I never have dreams like that and it was so random. That next day (Today) I got out of class and I was all alone walking home and a man came out of nowhere and handed me a little pamphlet with a beautiful girls face on it and it was about a girl name Kristen who was taken too soon. I’m very sorry for your loss. But I don’t think she came in to my life by accident. I don’t know why I’m receiving this message now but I just wanted to reach out and thank you for the prayer and hope. I don’t think these incidents were just coincidence, they both happened together for a reason. I’m only 22 years old so I hope to have a long life ahead of me, but I want it to be a life filled with meaning. Thank you." An article stated that the middle child has unique challenges to overcome. I contend that the first child and the last child and all of the other children have unique challenges to overcome. The idea that a position in the family hierarchy creates unique challenges may or may not be valid, however the discussion overlooks reality. We are all middle children, if you are a believer. There were many Christians who came before us who are older now and there are many behind us, especially if you have just become a Christian. All Christians are middle children. There isn't a better example of equality than Christianity. Jesus died for all, equally. He allows us to grow in fellowship with Him equally. He doesn't discriminate on any basis. Example, the Father "sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust". There you have equality spelled out in just a few words. God will save your soul by one means, Himself, and excludes nobody.
There is one opportunity for exclusion. Don't tell anyone about salvation through Christ. Have you ever spent time visiting a nursing home? If you haven't, maybe it's time you did. There are millions of people in nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the U.S. The ones in nursing homes are on their last journey toward eternity. There were over sixty people who attended the service and very few of them smiled at all. Most were very sad. I preached on Galatians 6:3. It had dawned on me that many believe that text doesn't pertain to them because they think they are something. One day they may be in a nursing home. Maybe that passage will suddenly come to light.
January 2023
Kim MagdaleinKristin's Dad |
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