Carey is our oldest daughter. She is also Kristin's oldest sister. She is mentally handicapped and has tested an IQ of under 70. This morning she accompanied me to our weekly nursing home ministry service where she sings with other church members for the residents of the nursing home. She really enjoys it.
We stopped at a convenience store on the way to buy a cup of coffee for each of us. As we were getting back in the car, Carey remembered that she didn't give the register attendant a tract. She grabbed two. After she gave the lady a tract, she was exiting the store and a man was entering at the same time. Carey held out the second tract and he took it. When Carey got into the car I asked her what she said to him to get him to take the tract. She said, " I didn't say anything. I just handed it to him. Now it's his problem". As I laughed at her candor, I thought about how simple that was. Get some tracts. Trust the Lord. He will do the hard part.
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January 2023
Kim MagdaleinKristin's Dad |
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